New Pro Image Sports employee Kevin Martinez was recently featured in an inspiring article on Texas Border Business regarding his recent hire at the McAllen Pro Image Sports location in the La Plaza Mall.
Pro Image Sports is the nations largest franchised retailer of officially licensed sporting goods from the NFL, NBA, MLB, NCAA and more.
Kevin, who is part of our PSJA Pathways Toward Independence/LIFE Program and one of seven seniors who will be graduating this May with numerous certificates from South Texas College, has loved volunteering at Pro Image Sports for the last few months and it was his dream to actually work at the store.
“We believe in giving people a chance at life. This is a way for us to give back to our community,” said Pro Image Sports General Manager Derrick Locke. “It is a pleasure to see a smile on his face. Kevin brings a great spirit to the store when he is here. It is very uplifting.”
Congrats to Kevin and Derrick on working to make Pro Image Sports even better!
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